We bless the Lord for each of you and for your continued prayers and support.
We truly enjoyed recent fellowship and time of reporting with supporting churches.
TEAM NAMA missionaries gathered at the Gull Lake Conference center.
A pastor weeps because we were the first African- American Mission team he had seen.
Pray for continued success of African-American mobilization.
Pray for our upcoming mobilization on HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and Universities).
Pray for the upcoming mission course we will be teaching in the new year.
Pray for the ministry of continued going, sending and welcoming of those of the diaspora.
We relish opportunities to join in fellowship with Dominican Republicans as our neighbors.
December, 2017
Dear prayer and financial partners with David & Marj Patrick,
God is working in amazing ways around the world! Since WW2, there have never been so many people on the move, displaced from their country of origin. This is affecting the missions community as countries are increasingly closing their doors to outsiders. But while missionary visas are denied, and conflicts send unprecedented numbers of people on the move out of harm's way, the US and Canada remain open to refugees, immigrants and newcomers! And many of these refugees come from places where North Americans are unable to live and work, and share the Gospel. You might be tempted to become discouraged, but don’t be. God is opening some new and exciting pathways for us to reach His world.
TEAM is responding to this new reality by creating NAMA, our North American Ministry Area. Now, just like in nearly 40 other countries around the world, TEAM missionaries are actively working to help the Church fulfill the Great Commission in the US and Canada. Our legacy of global ministry makes us uniquely equipped to help the church respond with grace, skill and cross-cultural expertise at this crucial time in history.
Your missionaries, David & Marj, are a perfect example of workers who have deep overseas experience in training others for ministry and missions, yet were denied a visa to return to their host country and are now taking on an important role in NAMA. They are uniquely qualified to help show North American believers how to cross cultural and linguistic barriers and share the Good News in relevant ways with the diverse communities around them. In particular, they have a deep, heart-filled passion to continue mobilization of African-Americans for missions.
As the director of TEAM’s work in North America, I would encourage you to continue to fully support the Patricks in this important season of their lives and ministry. We don’t know what will happen in our world tomorrow, which doors will stay open and which may close; but we do know that the Lord of the Harvest is orchestrating a magnificent opportunity to reach the nations, right in our backyard. Let’s pray and seize this great opportunity together.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
Mark Crooks
Senior Director for North America
// 616-826-0541