2 Exciting Highlights We Are Thrilled To Share!!!

Interestingly, the May issue of this magazine featured members from the LGBT community. This month's (June) issue features us on God's Kingdom mission agenda...singing "Be Glorified O LORD in the earth in our season."

Haiti Mission of Hope


HIGHLIGHTS for me included:

  • Inventory, packing and distribution.  
  • Dave, myself and others helped to inventory, compile, pack and prepare over 35 suitcases of goods for distribution to those in need.     
  • Time with scholars and orphans
Fifty students were selected by the headmaster to participate in the Empowerment Vocational Institute led by Dr. Patricia Bailey

Fifty students were selected by the headmaster to participate in the Empowerment Vocational Institute led by Dr. Patricia Bailey

The church helped to build the classroom.  Although unfinished; no doors or windows - upcoming leaders of Haiti eagerly received principles of empowerment.


One of my favorite photos – a black man not pictured in prison…

                  But pictured participating in missions!!!


¾ of the world does not have access to clean water and lacks sanitation. This destroys more lives than any other crisis. Crois-des-Missions –  is an area where animals and people drink and dwell together amongst the same water source. In Exodus 3:7 God responds….”I see….I hear… I know… and I AM come down to make a difference. Atrocities such as this are man-made which means we can make a difference.


One of the wells

donated by Dr. Patricia Bailey


Ministry to street children



the love of Jesus with children at a church where mothers graduated from a women’s empowerment program

Several older girls desire I return to teach them how to crochet


Time with children after school simply playing with string!   

Another task: we spent hours helping prepare medication packets for the medical team that was coming to the area after we left. 

Help and Hope for Haiti – Mission accomplished!

We ask what does God require of us in this season of our lives? We hear there is no expiration date on our assignment.  We also fully believe aid without empowerment is not our mission.  Everywhere the gospel goes there should be transformation. Hence our goal…