Merry Christmas From Our Hearts to Yours!


“Thanks be to God for His exhaustible, limitless, endless, infinite, existing in abundance, full of wisdom, grace, resources, favor, love and so much more - that never runs out or runs down indescribable gift!” 2 Cor 9:1

Thank you for continued support and prayers. You remain in our prayers. A very special thanks to those of you who were so led to send a special Christmas offering! Below is a very special gift we would like to share with you as our honored supporters.


Adapted by David Patrick Jr, David Patrick III and Henry Clay


2019 Indeed has been a “NO LIMIT” year for us. We began the year participating in several mission conferences. We were privilege to continue as leaders on our church’s ministerial team, assisting leading individuals to Christ, teaching foundational truths for growth, discipleship and church membership to over 1,000 who came forward this year. In March we had the awesome opportunity to lead our global missions’ team to South Africa.  

 After the team’s awesome ministries, Dave and I remained for two months to minister in KZN and Cape Town. The greatest reward was witnessing the many lives of those we impacted in our years of service, who were still whole heartedly continuing in service to the Lord!

Mid-year we were greatly blessed to be able to host a family camp held at the Warner Christian Camp in Michigan. Many family units were blessed by testimonies, teaching, music, fun and fellowship. Coming this summer another year of camp activity, fe…

Mid-year we were greatly blessed to be able to host a family camp held at the Warner Christian Camp in Michigan. Many family units were blessed by testimonies, teaching, music, fun and fellowship. Coming this summer another year of camp activity, fellowship, fun and challenging workshops that will be led by our adult children.


JULY 11, 2020

In July we led mission workshops in Chicago and assisted with major relief efforts for victims of the earthquake that hit the Bahamas. We continued our efforts of mobilization of African Americans for global mission and were able to visit a few churches in Michigan who have supported us down through the years. We also spent time welcoming our 11th grandchild!

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In October we were able to travel and return with the global missions’ team to the Dominican Republic for great mission opportunities. Dave will once again play the grandfather in the Christmas production  December 22. Please pray for the impact this will have. Many families will be inviting relatives who, at other times of the year, do not attend church. “HE IS COME” is filled with humor, talent and a clear gospel presentation. Pray for souls to respond to the ONE who is the reason for the season!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. All tax deductible contributions continue through TEAM   

 Acc. # 006929   

Or donate by sending a personal check to the address below:

950 Eagle’s Landing Pkwy Ste 104 Stockbridge, Georgia 30281

David: 404 704 4155 Marj: 404 723 0059



PRAY! -Matt 9:38 SEND!- Rm 10:14-15

GIVE!- 2 Cor 9:10 GO!- Mark 16:16