Patricks Christmas Newsletter- December 2021

Quarterly Newsletter- December 2021

From our hearts and home to you and yours we pray that God’s grace and greatest blessings be multiplied to you in this season and the year to come.


A missions’ conference on Christmas day you may wonder and ask why. We did too at first until we were reminded …”
— Marj Patrick

“A child is born and a son is given…”(Isaiah 9:6) on a day that would forever mark history and change lives for all eternity. “For this purpose, Jesus, the Son of God said, I came to destroy the works of the evil one.” (I John 3:8)

In these days the enemy is increasingly prioritizing, strategizing and directing energies at the youth of the nations. Leading headlines wreak with instances of sex trafficking of children, children held amongst hostages in Haiti, Taliban recruitment, guns in the hands of children, U.S. schools and city shootings and more atrocities consume daily news. It is a privilege to respond with the efforts of Sycamore Evangelical mission led by Dr. Victor and Eustacis Kalepe’ efforts to advance and focus on this critical age group 4-14 and capture these hearts for spiritual revolution, encouraging them to exercise their gifts, reach their potential, powerfully honoring God and helping to advance His kingdom. This is a global virtual conference. FB LIVE @ sycamore Evangelical Mission or simply dial ZOOM 220-344-6121

Our 9-year-old grandson, Iden Mason will join us in this conference.

We remain grateful for another opportunity to impact the next generation for missions!!!

Hear his exciting evangelistic efforts to win his school bus driver to Christ. Join us in prayer with the nations and this particular focus on today’s youth generation. Hear testimonies and strategies how we encouraged our own children who ALL now carry on this family legacy in the lives of our grandchildren. “As for me and my HOUSE we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15.

The local ministry to the homeless continues.

Thanks for your prayers for Mins. AC and Chris Scott who lead this ministry. Great things are also happening in the local prison ministry. WIT (Women in transition) I have prepared special goody bags that include Christmas reflections celebrating Jesus from Our Daily Bread devotionals

We covet your prayers for the women we minister to who are preparing for release. Included in this group, we minister to transgenders who illustrate the return of the Lord is much nearer than when we first believed. Dave and I also will be ministering on December 17 at another local prison in our area and covet your prayers for fruit that will remain.


Thank you for continued prayers for my 4 mission mentees.

  • I will be participating virtually in the service of Timiko who will be graduating from the Sowing Seeds of Joy at the Dallas International University. 

  • Winda recently returned to South Africa at her assignment at the Ubunye women’s shelter.

  • Itiya just return from Thailand and continues preparation for all God has for her in the year ahead

  • and Krystal’s place of service is still undesignated but narrowed down to the ministry of missionary care.

    Please keep them in your prayers.

Dave and I remain in good health – a reason to shout with joy.

Pray with us as we petition the Lord for the best care suited for the senior Patricks (Age 90 & 95) for all of their geriatric needs.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. All tax deductible contributions continue through TEAM Acc. # 006929

Or Click below to donate online.


Donate by sending a personal check to the address below:

950 Eagle’s Landing Pkwy Ste 104 Stockbridge, Georgia 30281


or Cashapp $Davemarjpatrickmin

David: 404 704 4155 Marj: 404 723 0059


  1. PRAY! - Matthew 9:38

    “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

  2. SEND! - Romans 10:14-15

    “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

  3. GIVE! - 2 Corinthians 9:10

    “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.”

  4. GO! - Mark 16:15-16

    And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”

We continue in prayer for you and remain joyfully, together in His service
— Dave & Marj Patrick


North American Mission Assignment

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