Patrick's Summer 2022 Newsletter

“Thanks be to God, who always…uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere” (2 Cor 2:14)

Guyana South America mission

We continue to thank The Lord of the Harvest for all who prayed and gave towards the mission to Guyana.

9-Member team answered the call.. The Lord of the harvest asks…”Who will go for us”
May 4-10,2022

Greatest Mother’s Day

— a gift that keeps on giving….helping make mothers of this great part of God’s vineyard feel His presence and remind them of His love. The greatest gift any mother could have is assurance that all her children know and serve Jesus as Savior, and will one day spend eternity never to separate.

Passion week

Jesus told His disciples to go to a house in the village and loose a donkey never ridden to accomplish His purposes. We were told to go to a bakery where we would find a woman servant who would give us a very large sum of money for the library.

God did far above our expectations today!!! Over an hour and a half ride on one lane roads we arrived at our destination of ministry in the township of Linden. The church was full of orphans, women, men and families of —-church.

Here the may, a Bishop of The Assemblies of God Church and Pastor and First Lady George welcomed us. This congregation really blessed us even before we ministered. Many of us were in tears as the anointing manifested.

Min Sandra danced a special dance, and the Patricks rendered special music. In the afternoon, Min Chris was the special speaker for the ladies session and again the anointing manifested. Each lady on our team shared.

Baba Patrick gathered the men who sat outside the church. All were blessed. Then the dedication of the library took place.

  • Great praise and worship

  • Grandmother McBride served as a missionary to Guyana 25 years ago. Pastor Light and his wife remain faithful and much fruit abounds to this day because Mother McBride now in her 90’s said YES I’ll go … YES I’ll pray…Yes, I’ll give

  • Worship team Baba Patrick, Claudette and Mama Patrick

  • TOP donated and dedicated 3 library resource centers in areas that did not have this luxury

  • Jasmine is a GREAT minister to youth

  • Books put smiles on their faces, empower their minds and one child mentioned be sure to place the Bible up prominent on the top shelf for all to read!!!

  • Imagine 2022 — the only resource center in your town

  • We place 4 ‘ mini libraries’ in local schools

  • Here the Holy Spirit REALLY showed up/out. So many at the altar. We all had to work the altar. The most dynamic was a woman set free from demons that were the loudest we had witnessed in a long time since Africa!!!

  • One mother and 6 of her children were released from witchcraft!!!

  • Great impact… ministry to women

  • Great ministry to men

  • Lots of ministry to children where many accepted Christ as Savior

  • Mini Women’s conference

  • Baba gathers many of the local men

Local Ministry

  • Ministry to local impoverished areas

  • Ministry to the aged

  • “ I was hungry and you fed me… what you do to the least of these you do unto me “Jesus”

  • Door to door evangelism in a very destitute area giving grocery hampers and the gospel.

Food, Fellowship, Scenery, and Giant BUG FUN!!!

  • Delicious exotic fruit Yum Yum ‘cashew nut fruit’. This is one of their national fruits that grows in the yard of the church. I took one bite and asked “Where have you been all my life!” It tastes so good!!!

  • Pineapple fig tart so yummy!!!

  • Our beds have mosquito nets…BIG BUGS too!!!

  • We had this small walk to enter our dwelling carefully or fall in the water. One of the team members lost her ear bud down there.

  • Laborers together in His service
    Min Chris Scott & Mama Patrick
    ( back drop of South Atlantic Ocean )

Well done good and faithful servants. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord!


  • June 12- Brandon Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Tennessee

  • June 20 -NAAMC Virtual Conference-NATIONS and GENERATIONS


& Now!

  • Pray for the impact our adult MKs will have in these sessions.

  • June 22-24 2022 NAAMC:- A 10th Anniversary Celebration in person conference. McLean Bible Church Leesburg Pike, Vienna, Virginia

Please pray for travel mercies and for impactful opportunities to be a blessing to all actively perusing the Great Commission in this season

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Click below to donate online.


Donate by sending a personal check to the address below:

950 Eagle’s Landing Pkwy Ste 104 Stockbridge, Georgia 30281


or Cashapp $Davemarjpatrickmin

David: 404 704 4155 Marj: 404 723 0059


  1. PRAY! - Matthew 9:38

    “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

  2. SEND! - Romans 10:14-15

    “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

  3. GIVE! - 2 Corinthians 9:10

    “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.”

  4. GO! - Mark 16:15-16

    And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”

We continue in prayer for you and remain joyfully, together in His service
— Dave & Marj