Dave & Marj Patrick Ministries Inc.
Dave & Marj Patrick Ministries Inc.
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."-Joshua 24:15

We greet you  in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We are Dave and Marj Patrick.  We have been married for 45 years and serving together in full-time missions for over 25 years.  We were blessed to serve with our children in South Africa for 4 of those years.  We are currently serving on TEAM-NAMA (The Evangelical Alliance Mission)-(North American Missions Assignment) to help the mobilization of African Americans to missions.


The Anointed House of Rescue


Additional prayer request – Project “FISH FARM”

This initiative is led by a Bishop from Soweto Johannesburg. A project launched in ponds on our very own property that will aide in generating self-sustaining income

The Anointed House of Rescue

We prayed for their RESCUE now praying for their RESTORATION.

“God didn’t bring them this far to leave them now.”


Give the homeless a reason to say, “Thanks!”

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We are recipients for the NAAMC Honorary Missions Award!!!

There will be a live broadcast on (NAACM Facebook page) during the plenary session. The award salutes the contributions, ministry efforts, and missions service of individuals who have demonstrated long term commitment and excellence to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ cross-culturally. We would love to have you join us for this 10 minute segment.


Watch Wednesday’s Replay


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Watch Friday’s Replay (7.10.20) Here!

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Watch Replay from our guest appearance on Babbie’s House


Check out the latest on the blog!

Marj Patrick will be signing her latest book realease.

There is only one life to live and it will soon pass
Only what's done for Christ will last!

Congratulations on the book. It finally arrived!!!!! Sounds like a dream. Just a few months go we talked about it. Can’t wait to read it!!!
— Charmaine Atkins- Cape Town, South Africa



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“I was one of their missions.”

It was great to spend time with Dave.and Marj and their family today. It was a blessing to hear the testimony during fellowship time of a lady who accompanied others to join the Patrick's on the mission field in SA asking "what will I do?" "what do I have to offer?" She had the skill/talent of baking cakes. As a result, today, 2 women in SA have their own businesses baking cakes! God takes the little we have and uses that for His glory. I used to sing a song, Ordinary People by Danibelle. God uses ordinary people and little becomes much when you place it the Masters hand! Your testimony, your legacy doesn't have to be somebody else's. Living the legacy is giving back to God and blessing others with all that He has given to you. The legacy my parents lived and left for me and that I want to live and leave for my children and for others is found in 1 Corinthians 10:31(my parents life verse). "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." and similarly in Colossians 3:17 "..whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father."

I'm so greatful to Marj and Dave and their family and their contributions to my discipleship, as a young/new Christian and single mother at the time, and over the years, befriending and loving me, showing me that Christ is your whole life, a life lived in normal, everyday activities and that I could be victorious in Christ as well! It.is an honor to read their testimony and to continue to see them living and leaving a legacy! I thank God for their faithfulness and His faithfulness to them!- Terylle Culpepper Lavender