Patricks Quarterly Newsletter- Spring 2021

Quarterly Newsletter- Spring 2021

Greater love hath no man than this that He lay down His life -John 15:13


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Hallelujah! the grave could not hold Him               -Acts 2:24          



Thanks so much for all who joined us on our virtual Zoom birthday 2/23/21. We were so blessed by songs, verses, words of encouragement, the games, and the gifts from all present from near and far… South Africa, Mexico, New Zealand, California, New Mexico, Michigan, South Carolina, Louisiana, Indiana, Georgia and more. We were grateful to be able to celebrate another birthday together especially, considering the grace God has showered upon Dave’s life, delivering him from the many ills of contracting COVID. Richard Tolbert relays the essence of our sentiments in a song he composed, (but TOP praise team sings better 😊 ) …I’m alive because there’s more! Thanks for the many phone calls and prayers for his continued recovery. In this season we have prayed with so many who have lost loved ones in this COVID season.


This season of sheltering in place has not prevented the work of the Lord from going forth. We have been able to participate in many virtual services and conferences. We have also had the privilege to participate on virtual Zooms with NAAMC where over 69 African Americans gather to encourage one another. Some of the missionaries remain current on various mission fields. Others are preparing to return to fields of service. Others are actively preparing to go to places around the world and some of us remain on American soil ministering in local missions while participating in efforts to mentor and mobilize others for fields that are ready for harvest, but the laborers are few. (Luke 10:2)

Marj is also currently involved in mentoring women associated with TEAM’s heighten mobilization efforts preparing African Americans for assignments on fields where TEAM’s presence remains and 575 missionaries are serving in over 35 countries around the world. Pray for my 3 mentees: Ms. Andrews who hopes to leave for a short-term assignment in S.A. this coming May. Pray Ms. Barnes whose area of service is yet to be determined. And pray for Ms. Covington who is preparing to leave for Alaska and Ghana.

While following safety measures to assists in local efforts, the Scotts, who are also TEAM mentees and TOP members, in this season are impressed and greatly empowered to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the many homeless here in Atlanta. …

While following safety measures to assists in local efforts, the Scotts, who are also TEAM mentees and TOP members, in this season are impressed and greatly empowered to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the many homeless here in Atlanta. We have helped prepare Easter devotional booklets.

Marj continues to crochet the grocery bag mats for distribution as well. Until more doors open for overseas ministries what do believers do while we wait?... Occupy until… (Luke 19:13) The harvest fields are ripe unto harvest, but the laborers are f…

Marj continues to crochet the grocery bag mats for distribution as well. Until more doors open for overseas ministries what do believers do while we wait?... Occupy until… (Luke 19:13) The harvest fields are ripe unto harvest, but the laborers are few (Luke 10:2)

Additional virtual mentoring opportunities included a repeat episode of our presentation with Babbie Mason which aired on channel 57.

Join us in worship and discussion in this virtual service airing on the last Wednesday of this month,   



Emphatically, NO NEVER!

As part of the ministerial team of our local church we have been privilege to participate each week in praying and counseling many (over 5000 viewers log on each week) Even amid a pandemic, our church has had over 700 new members and over 40 are candidates for baptism. Discipleship also takes place virtually. Our women’s prison ministry team is meeting virtually with (WIT) Women in Transition each week. This months’ lessons include teaching materials assisting them how to manage family conflict. They also need spiritual guidance, prayer, and practical assistance as they prepare for life outside of prison walls. Following all CDC guidelines, TOP is still able to minister to essential workers by giving Chick-filet meals and having prayer with them. Our community partners and foreign missionaries are still receiving monthly ministry offerings. Community outreach efforts continue to display the love of Jesus by giving food parcels and offering spiritual guidance reaching over 500 families monthly. Slowly as we open our doors, congregants must register in advance. Over 2,800 registered for upcoming Easter in person services. However, only 200 may sit in the sanctuary per service. This means congregants will at this time, be allowed to attend in person services only once a month. The virtual services will continue each week. Praise the Lord all this indicates the hunger masses have in not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, but we can not afford to return to church as usual. There are far too many holistic needs that must be met beginning in our own Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world.




Thank you for your continued support and prayers. All tax deductible contributions continue through TEAM Acc. # 006929

Or Click below to donate online.


Donate by sending a personal check to the address below:

950 Eagle’s Landing Pkwy Ste 104 Stockbridge, Georgia 30281


or Cashapp $Davemarjpatrickmin

David: 404 704 4155 Marj: 404 723 0059


  1. PRAY! - Matthew 9:38

  2. SEND! - Romans 10:14-15

  3. GIVE! - 2 Corinthians 9:10

  4. GO! - Mark 16:16

We continue in prayer for you and remain joyfully, together in His service
— Dave & Marj Patrick


North American Mission Assignment